Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Summer Updates (including CAMP!!)

 Right now summer feels like it was a million years ago. We are now fully in school mode with two weeks of classes and clubs under our belts. While life has resumed it's frantic pace, this morning I am cherishing a stolen moment to look back and share with you all the sweet memories and adventures of this summer!!
We started off June with graduation parties for a few of our seniors, sniff sniff, and a trip home for vacation and Anna's graduation. It was a wonderful time with our family before the craziness of summer took over.

Before we knew it we were back on island and started putting the finishing touches on our plans for the FIRST EVER Eleuthera Young Life Camp! On Saturday June 28th we welcomed twenty six volunteers for our work crew from all over the US to our little island. We dreamed, planned and prayed together and then they immediately got to work. These friends MADE camp! They came alongside our leaders so beautifully, making sure that kids felt loved and free to encounter Jesus. It was a huge privilege to have Chris Lassiter as our camp speaker for the week. Chris's wife Emily is on staff with YoungLives and their five kids came to help the work crew as well. Their story and passion for Jesus was powerful! Our kids got to here the Gospel presented clearly, some for the first time. Camp was five full, jam-packed days of life well lived. Kids lives were changed forever in the light of the Gospel being lived out well by our US team and island leaders! Here are a few of the pictures and a YouTube video with more:

Our next adventure took us to TrailWest Young Life Camp in Colorado. I was the Work Crew Coordinator and Ben worked by day and led Round-Up (the middle school and high school camper times) each night. It was a full month of 5am mornings and midnight bed times, and being stretched beyond what we thought we could handle. It was also a month of reconnecting with what God is doing through Young Life outside of the Bahamas and the privilege of getting to be a part of all kinds of people meeting Jesus. I have never seen 36 high school kids work so hard in all of my life. They reminded me what a privilege it is to get to offer ourselves and our lives to the Lord so that others may get the chance to know Him.

In the midst of everything going on this summer, Ben and I made some pretty awesome decisions that have been a long time coming...stay tuned for the next blogpost to find out :)

As always, we are beyond thankful to get to share this journey with each of you! Our island is changing because you all decided to get involved with ministry to a forgotten people...thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being in this with us!