The Starrs

"A cord of three strands is not easily broken."

I'm so thankful God choose to give us each other for all the adventures he brings us to-we promise to follow faithfully and laugh, we promise to laugh alot!!


About Sarah (written by Ben)

Sarah laughs.
Sarah smiles, Sarah dances, Sarah hugs, Sarah kisses, Sarah cares.
Sarah eats chicken wings.
Sarah loves the Lord.
Sarah steals two sips of everyone of my beers.
Sarah loves her family.
Sarah loves my family.
Sarah has never met a stranger.
Sarah can get a stranger to do anything for her.
Sarah loves key lime pie.
Sarah speaks her own language, and it took me a little while to learn it.
Sarah is faithful.
Sarah will do anything if you dare her to do it.
Sarah belongs on the beach listening to beach music.
Sarah doesn't like potatoes.
Sarah is passionate.
Sarah loves to travel, and she loves meeting new people even more.
Sarah's last name just changed :)

About Ben (written by Sarah)
Ben is the funniest person I have ever met.
Ben is patient, wise, playful and very sweet (though he wouldn't want you to know that).
Ben is a die-hard Carolina fan.
Ben's faith in the Lord pushes and encourages me everyday.
Ben loves sushi.
Ben has taught me the joy and pain of being a Braves fan.
Ben's favorite place in the world is the dock at Lake Gaston.
Ben wakes me up every morning with a text that says "Good Morning Beautiful" is usually the best part of my day.
Ben can get any baby to laugh.
Bern plays guitar.
Ben loves his family...well our families...fiercely.
Ben is freakishly good at "yellow-car".
Ben doesn't really mind sharing the first two sips of his beer with me ;)
Ben loves history.
Ben dances with me.
Ben is confident and genuine.
Ben has a spirit of love and adventure that matches mine.

Meet Allie Starr...
The world's most precious (and spoiled) potcake!! We love this girl!!

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