Monday, February 20, 2012

4 months to go!!

I am so blessed to share some exciting news with you...I have set a moving date!!!

I will be officially moving to the Island of Eleuthera on July 1st 2012....just over 4 months, woohooo! There are many reasons for this date but mainly it gives me the most time left to fundraise while still getting there in time to get on top of things for our first official Young Life camp the last week in August!!

Whew, how did we get here?!! God, that's how!! I have come to the realization (a couple of times actually) that I am in no way in control of what is happening here. Every time I think "oh, ok here's how we do this" the Lord smiles his all-knowing smile and takes me down a path of breath-taking, awe-inspiring wonder and I am left again wondering how I could ever think it would be in my own wisdom or strength that this would get done. Such is the season I am currently in.

After months of fundraising and careful thinking and planning of the future, I felt very convicted that I was not stepping out in faith as the Lord calls me to. Yes I had plans to, yes I was working on being able to, but somewhere deep down inside me I heard this voice saying, "Just trust me". Well I did, I prayed and listened and finally bought the ticket...and promptly freaked out!! In looking at my finances and where I am in my fundraising, you would have too! What a crazy thought that in 4 short months I would have the remaining $3200/month pledged and be ready to take the plunge of moving to this foreign country on my own...

The beautiful thing is that it is!! It is crazy! It's everything the world says is impossible but my bible is a much more precious source of wisdom to me and it says "NOTHING is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37) I am more sure that this mission is the Lord's than I have ever been of anything in my life. "If God be for us, who then can be against us?" (Romans 8:31). Since I set the date last Wednesday, the amount left has gone from $3200/left to $2650 left in five days...if that isn't the work of the Lord through His people...I don't know what is!

So as I am sitting here thinking about the future, I'm not worrying about getting there and not being able to eat or pay rent, I'm not worrying about how to get everything done. Instead I am sitting in complete awe of the Lord and the amazing adventure that He is calling all of us too!! I am humbled to walk in faithfulness and watch the Lord bring us all into His own story on Eleuthera!!

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