Sunday, March 2, 2014

2014 Begins With A Bang!!

Hello from Eleuthera Young Life! I apologize for the delay in blog posts...2014 has proved to be a very busy year for Young Life on our little island! We got back the beginning of January from our whirlwind Christmas trip and training and hit the ground running!!

Our Young Life club at Windermere started right away, and it was so good to catch up with all the teachers, leaders and students after their Christmas break. We are starting a Wyldlife at Windermere this semester and combining it with the existing Young Life Club for now. This gives us two separate sets of leaders for the younger and older crowd as well as beefing up our club numbers. Club is always more fun with more people there and at a school as small as Windermere that can be a challenge! Pray for direction as we experiment to figure out the best way to grow here! It is an exciting time at Windermere as we begin to transition to our leaders there taking full ownership of Young Life at their school!!

At CEHS (Central Eleuthera High School) we started club back in the beginning of February and our students grades 10-12 came out in full force! Starting week one we gave some of our Grade 12 friends different responsibilities at club and they made all of us sooo proud!! They led games, helped work the equipment and helped their younger or new friends feel right at home! This is exactly what every leader dreams about: High school kids are catching the vision of Young Life and growing it...and that is SO SO AWESOME!

We started small group in Gregory Town back up the beginning of January and have loved to getting closer and closer with this amazing group of kids we love!

Keith and Lori Doster, two of our Central Leaders, began meeting with their JC/Hatchet Bay small group in February and are so excited to grow with that group of High School friends.

Small groups (in the states we call them Campaigners) in each settlement are going to be the key to lasting change on our Island. Because it is so long and thin, transportation is extremely difficult for everyone especially high school students. Having the support and community that a small group offers right in your settlement makes a HUGE difference. We are asking people to pray for future Young Life leaders that live in Governor's Harbour and Palmetto Point. These two settlements have a ton of kids involved in Young Life Club but no leaders from their areas to do a small group specifically for them!

Another piece of huge exciting news it that we will be doing our first EVER Eleuthera Young Life camp this summer. We are pulling together an expeditions team from the states to help put the camp on. They will do everything from serving meals to leading games, freeing the YL leaders up to bond and grow with their high school friends! All of us are so excited about this opportunity!! We still need quite a few volunteers so if you would like to be a part of this, please contact me and I will send you information and a link to apply! Please pray that we have enough volunteers sign up to make this week truly an excellent one, setting a great precedent for years to come!

In other news, the Lord has opened up many doors this last month to partner and connect with other Bahamian adults who are passionate about ministry to young people! I can't even begin to describe what an incredible feeling it is to be in the room with these friends and know that the Lord is pulling all of us together for His good will! Please pray for these relationships to deepen and grow and for wisdom in how to bring us all together!

The Lord has showered Eleuthera Young Life with blessing after blessing these past couple months and Ben and I are so grateful to each of you for being such a huge part the work He is doing here. Thank you for sharing your lives, resources and passion with us and allowing us to do the same!

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