Friday, August 24, 2012

A Different Way to Battle!

You know those days when you feel like everything is a battle? Everyone knows what I mean, the weeks when you've had everything pile up and you feel like a very, very tired little warrior? Well this is where I woke up today. The battles I'm fighting now include still working carefully with immigration, the appropriate responses to hurricane season both for ministry and safety, a budget reevaluation that leaves me needing to raise about double what we're working with and missing Ben, my family and all of you that I love! 

The kids are pretty much all off-island getting school stuff together and ready, leaving me with a week to do some much needed cleaning, laundry and catching up on emails!! Great, it's been a looooooong week encountering and uncovering each of the battles I told you about above. I finally woke up this morning, stressed and heavy from a week of trying to figure out how to beat all of these things, knowing that something had to give...

Today I choose to battle a new way-by praising Him! Yep that laying down my armor and worshiping my Savior!! Let me explain:

I have found a church that I love, mainly because it is made up of broken people like me trying to do the best they can with what they have been given. When I'm there I'm not the new, young, sort-of-different white girl that I feel like alot of the time. When I'm there I'm just a broken girl with a love for her Lord, and impossible dreams to change the world for Him, and I'm in the company of others who want the same thing. Our pastor is very real with us and calls us to impossible things, recently those have included praising Him when you're broken and battling and don't really feel like it.

Well today I switched from my battle stance and gave this a try instead...and I can't stop!!

It doesn't matter that immigration doesn't want to make it easy for me to be here...Jesus fought death for my sake.

It doesn't matter that the storms will come and we have to deal with them as they do..."Who is this man that even the winds and the waves obey Him?"

It doesn't matter that we have more fundraising to do than I know what to do with...God provides all our needs in His own way and His own timing, "God himself will provide the lamb"

As soon as I turned my heart to praise Him, things change, mountains of stress and anxiety are moved, and all that's left is this girl with her arms open wide, loving Him and loving these people He has called me to!

Try it...right where you are, take a break from the battle, remember the Gospel-the victory that is already ours, remember how loved you are by the One that matters most...remember why we're here-to praise Him!!! may just find that when the battle picks back up, you have the strength and confidence you need to face it head on!!!

1 comment:

  1. love, LOVE this. woke up today feeling the same way here in Belgium - this was so encouraging. Praise is a language that the enemy does not understand! Go Sarah!!
