Wednesday, October 3, 2012

September Updates!!

This post starts the beginning of a new blogger!! One who posts alot, shares more about her life and ministry, and attempts to share this journey with you guys on a more regular basis...hold me to it!!

This past month started with a visit from my husband-to-be. And it was wonderful! Everyone knew he was coming and people stopped us all over to meet him! His birthday was Sunday and we celebrated with a 3 hour back-to-school church service and a thunderstorm that kept us in, instead of the birthday dinner plans I had (no worries the storm cleared a couple days later and an awesome dinner out happened!)

We planned his coming with the start of school so he got to go with me to meet with teachers, administration and welcome the students to school with brownies...brownies that we made at 4am so they'd be warm, yum!!

The rest of the week included lunch with a friend and her son, spending time with a missionary family on Spanish wells who is here working with the Haitian refugee camps, introducing Ben to the people and places he hadn't gotten to visit when he moved me in and figuring out yet more of the logistics of our new life!

At the risk of being ridiculous, I have to take a moment to say, life is better with Ben here. Not only does he solve the loneliness factor, but it is just easier to deal with life here when there is someone to tackle it with. I knew that would be true in my head but it is really something to see God's faithfulness in this area play out. I knew I loved that man but I didn't realize how perfectly God designed us to fit together so that we do His will with more ease, effectiveness and grace...I can't wait to share my life with him!

The next week I was stateside for a Staff Conference in Virginia. While all of the training and information was really helpful, what moved me to tears was the worship. And then it hit me...that was the only time since I left and probably the only time til I come home for the holidays that I would get to  worship the Lord in a room of believer's that had a faith that looked like mine. Now don't get me wrong, my church here is amazing and their worship is powerful, but it's still foreign and there is something sweetly comforting and moving about a roomful of people singing praise songs you grew up with in an accent and manner that you share. A later blogpost will be needed to explain those thoughts, but for now all that needs to be said it that is was exactly what I needed!

I got to finish the time stateside with Ben and our families, a touch of wedding planning and surprise appearance at one of my best friend's engagement party. Thank you Lord for sweet time at home!

The next few days were a whirlwind of getting my long-awaited work visa, visiting with our Young Life group in Freeport and a first meeting with a couple of rockstars in Nassau that are going to begin a Young Lives ministry . The Lord is moving!

The couple of weeks I have been back on island have been full steam ahead! Between opening the new ministry in Nassau, settling into a school routine and continuing to get the leadership on Eleuthera together, there hasn't been much time to sit and catch up.

Some big things that the Lord put on my heart this month were following through doors that He opens and creating a life well lived outside of ministry (sustainability).

Being sensitive to the Lord's direction is something I have had on our prayer requests for a while and I can tell you guys are placing that before the Lord because He is working on me. Ministry flows better when I don't blunder ahead but take time to stop and pray and listen. Many of you may be like "duh Sarah", but I can tell you honestly I am STILL learning this DAILY. Is a frustrating process but the Lord is using it to refine me for His work and for that I am very grateful.

As far as creating a life well lived: Alot of people that I trust and admire have sought out time to ask me what life outside of ministry looks like...almost as if they already know my answer. For now there isn't really such a thing. I am struggling to put up good boundaries and find genuine friends, things that are necessary for sustainability in ministry and frankly, peace and joy in daily life. This is a huge part of what God and I are working through in my time with Him and your prayers on it will be much appreciated. Specific things to pray for would be one or two friends that are in the same stage in life as me with the same faith...its amazing what you can conquer when you have someone to share it with and that is something I am realizing I definitely need here.

With that life-well-lived, I have also been advised to not discount the toll that being engaged while in two separate countries/cultures with a sketchy skype connection can be having, whether I want to admit it or not. Please pray with Ben and I as we do our best to honor God's call to each other and this huge step of marriage in the same way that we are honoring this difficult call to ministry here! That I don't ever put the second above the first, which has been a tendency, but to seek God's directing in our engagement and marriage the same way I would in ministry, knowing that family comes first and then we approach this call to ministry together. Pray that priorities and practicalities line up with the Lord's will for us this year!!

Whew, a whirlwind view of ministry and life which reflects the whirlwind of things in my heart right now. Ben and I loved walking through the good, bad and crazy parts of life and ministry with you guys and we are more thankful for your prayers and support than you would ever know.

This ministry would not be possible without the part each of you play in it and I can't think of people I am more excited to be in it with than you guys surrounding us now!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this update Sarah!! I love it!! I am so excited to hear how God is moving through you, through the ministry, and how He has knit you and Ben together.

    As someone who has moved overseas, let me stress to you HOW IMPORTANT it is to find your own community. I'm sure right now it's easy to fill what down time you have with making wedding plans, but if you are not at peace in your heart and within Eleuthera, it will prolong it feeling like home. I will be praying for your new friends. God has them waiting for you, don't you worry.

    I am really encouraged with how God is working in your heart. And let me also tell you, God will teach you some other, fun ways of worshiping that you don't normally get to experience in Virginia. I can't wait to see how He continues changing your faith in Him!!

    Please keep us posted on things and how to pray for you! I am encouraged by you and praying for you!! Lovingly, Nina
