Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Never too late for Thanks!!

          In the craziness of November I never got the chance to write down all the things I am thankful for, so despite the fact that we are well into the Christmas season, I’m going to rewind for a bit!

          I love the end of the year -and the beginning and middle :) - but I really love the end because it gives me a chance to look around, reflect on the happenings of the past year and spend some time with the Lord-thanking Him for all the provisions and blessings He laid upon me that I would never have given thought to if I didn’t take a moment to stop running.

          2012 has been quite the year. That is an understatement, it has been the best and hardest and most wonderful year of my life. It started with the loss of my special grandmother, included some humbling provision of the Lord through all of you, the birth of a sweet niece, a proposal by the man I love, the realization of an incredible dream of loving kids on Eleuthera, the ups and downs of life as a missionary, storms, parties, struggles, joys and about a million other amazing things that God has blessed me with this year! They are not all the most fun thing, in fact some were horrible…but they all worked together to create the year where I have had to hold close to Jesus in a way I never understood before…and in that, He who works all things to the good of those who love Him, did just that!

          I am thankful for the births and deaths this year because it reminds me of the gift my life is and that when this one ends the next will be even better!! I’m thankful for times when God released an overflow of provision and times when the money wasn’t there because it reminds me that He is all I need and all I need He will provide! I’m thankful for times where I was lonelier than I thought possible and time when I felt more loved than ever because it reminds me that God is both always enough and created us for intimate relationships which He, in His grace, brings us to and blesses! I’m thankful for my new Bahamian friends and the kids I get to share life with here-I have never been more humbled by my inadequacy to love them as they deserve to be loved nor by how far that simple broken love can go when the Lord uses it!!

          Everyday, the rest of our lives, Ben and I will be thankful for the fact that God has allowed us, along with many of you, to be a part of His very special plan for the people of Eleuthera! That He gave us the chance to depend on each other and Him in a way we’ve never had to do before…and that above all else He came at Christmas time because He loves us desperately and was willing to give His life away so that we (a broken people) could have the privilege of an intimate relationship with our Lord. Thankful doesn't even begin to cover it!

          If you are like me and haven’t taken a real timeout to reflect and thank God for his hand in your life this year…take some time today or tomorrow to do it! You may just find the Christmas season a little sweeter because of it!

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