Friday, January 18, 2013

Taste and See

Taste and see that the Lord is GOOD!! –Psalm 34:8

This verse continues to pop into my mind this week as I settle back into life on the island. I have spent the last month and a half tasting and seeing His goodness and I am so thankful for it!

It was absolutely incredible to be home with Ben and my family over the holidays! I was so dry for some community time with people that knew me intimately and could speak into my heart out of a real love for Jesus…and He provided!!

My time at home was a time of fundraising and it is always so humbling and incredible to see how the Lord provides, we went from needing $2,500/month when I got there to just under $800/month as of a few days ago! I am learning that fundraising will always be a part of being in ministry-and at first that really bothered me. Now I count it as an incredible privilege to watch from the front row as the Lord shows up and draws people into our ministry, always surprising me along the way! I’m so thankful to be a part of this body of believers that makes our work in these kids’ lives possible!

Our January Training with Young Life was also a time for me to be reminded of his goodness. I took a class called Systematic Theology with an awesome husband/wife duo who teach at Fuller Theological Seminary, where I take my seminary classes as a part of Young Life! I was a bit hesitant going into this class having heard how much work it was but it was really wonderful! They had such a passion for Jesus and for the Scripture that I couldn’t help but be caught up in that passion myself.

And then it hit me: This is God’s Word. The Word of God…and I get to read it!! Of all the tastes God has given me of His goodness, this has to be one of the most special. Ben and I are finding new delight this year in going through the scripture slowly but surely day-by-day…it’s amazing the things you see when it is no longer a chore to get through!! Oh Lord you are so incredible and we’re thankful you speak to our heart this way!!...Now if I could only get my kids to see it this way J

And finally I reached the island. I’ll confess, I was sort of dreading it. The idea of missing Ben, my family and friends, and trying yet again to find community in different culture almost made we stay on the plane. But once I took the step to get off the best thing happened…and that is the reason for this title:
  • I was welcomed by Amy and her family-friends of mine who work with Haitian refugees here.
  • I stepped out into the most beautiful weather one could ever imagine (it’s finally cool here)!
  • I got eight messages from people asking if I had landed yet and "where was I?"
  • I drove into my little settlement, moved back into my sweet little apartment and felt at home and peaceful 
  • And I was tackled by screaming girls and boys when they got off the bus and saw I was back!

...And my heart was strangely warmed because I knew I was home. God was here and had brought me here…and that is more “home” than I could ever ask for!
Here's to 2013...A year of tasting and seeing the goodness of our God!!

1 comment:

  1. so glad you are back on the island!!! I will be following you on your blog!! Peace to you!
