Saturday, March 16, 2013

hello spring :)

          February is always such a short and sweet month that I feel like there will never be enough time in it to write a blog that does it justice! It was full of fun as we settled into club for Central High on Mondays and Windermere High on Wednesdays! We laughed til our stomachs hurt at skits (especially the “Gangnam Style Gurus”), we danced and sang our hearts out and started to tell a story that has not only changed my life but the lives of everyone who has truly HEARD it! In short it was a busy, busy month full of love, laughter and a new excitement on the island for what this thing called “Young Life” is! I can’t what until Young Life is so normal that the exciting part will be the guy called Jesus that all of the “Young Lifers” are talking about!!
          March came and brought spring with it! I think there must be no time of year more wonderful than the day you wake up and realize that it is spring again!! It happens for us here so much earlier than most but wherever you are it makes you stop and take notice. Spring is the time of year where the world wakes up again, creation blossoms and you can only imagine that God is looking down on us with a smile and willing us to enjoy it!! In Young Life we have been talking about the full life that God calls us to- that entering into relationship with Him does not mean a dull life but rather a whole new world full of adventure and beauty…and it totally feels like God is backing our words up!
          Students are studying really hard right now for exams which will begin shortly after Spring Break in two weeks! I feel like I've only just gotten used to the rhythm of a more relaxed school system and now it is totally changed with the “crunch time” of approaching exams. It just goes to show that it has been a year of learning in all areas- a fact that I’m thankful for because it has required me to dig deep in the community, which has unintentionally caused the planting of roots…my own! The struggles that seemed like they would break me when I first got here are fewer and farther between and in their place there is new wisdom and some sweet, sweet friendships!
          My wonderful husband-to-be got to visit last week and we had the gift of spending the week together while still each working…a picture into how our much anticipated life will be! It seems like a crime that two people should be allowed to be as happy as we were that week- I can’t wait to share this little world and the rest of my life with him!! Thank you so much to everyone who has been praying for us as we researched and tried out ways to make it possible for Ben to do his job that he loves from here! We know God is good but it does seem like He has outdone himself for us. Everything went off smoothly and we finally let ourselves breathe and dream about His plans for us here together.
          I don’t know whether it is the spring time, the fun days and real conversations with these kids that I've come to adore, or the wedding that is just around the corner, but I am finding myself dreaming a lot these days! It feels like the Lord has opened us up to a whole world of possibilities and a whole new level of love and relationship with Him that I wouldn't have dreamed possible, and the kids are catching on! These students that I have shared life and dreams with know that I love them completely and fully…and they are just starting to ask the question of why! This is such an exciting question for me and such an exciting time in our relationship, because the “why” of loving them is the most important thing I will ever get to share with them!
          That’s my prayer request for you guys this month! That, no matter where you are, you stop to think about the “why” of being loved…it points you, in all its human imperfect splendor, to our very perfect Savior! Can’t wait for these sweet friends of mine to feel the beauty of that the way I do right now!!

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