Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hello 2013-2014!!

There is something exciting about the start of school every year! The teachers are rested, fresh and excited about the potential of their students, the students are excited to see their friends and energized with the idea of "new leaves" and hard work that makes their dreams possible. And we, the YL leaders, are soooo ready to get them back on island, hear the crazy stories from summer and get back into life with these high school friends of ours!!

This month has been filled with all sorts of wonderful things: 

The first annual Young Life Teacher Appreciation Brunch where we got to shower the Central High teachers with love (and bagels) and dream together about this year! 

The second annual Back to School bonfire in which my handsome husband put his fire-making skills to good use. Let's just say that it was a way bigger, wayyy more impressive version of what my well-meaning self tried to cook up last yea, shout out to the boy scouts of the world! Also it came with free explosions sort of resembling fireworks...haha, who knew?!

The start of homework season...oh boy- thankful to be married to someone who gets math because apparently that is not a gene I was blessed with!

And FINALLY the start of Young Life clubs at Central High (pictures to come) and Windermere high!

Thank you Lord for letting us share our lives and our love for You with these precious friends!! We have had quite the month over here on this little island, and we hope where ever you are in the world, it has been a wonderful one for you too!!

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