Wednesday, November 20, 2013

October (a little late)

I am so sorry to be late with the monthly blog post but whew, October and November have been FULL months!

Our schools and clubs are back in full swing. We are still doing Windermere Young Life Club after school on Tuesdays with Melissa and Ryan Yates. The students get to hear two of their teachers call them to life to the full in Jesus and it is beautiful, holy chaos! Also we get to watch them rock at basketball which Melissa has a sweet spot in her heart for!!

We have switched Central Young Life to afterschool AT the high school (thank you Principal Galanis) and it is booming! The other "official" leaders for this club are Keith and Lori Doster who the kids adore, and we seem to attract a lot of visitors that we are praying will turn into more leaders so that we can continue to grow!

These clubs are the favorite part of the week for a lot of people-me included!! Thank you Lord for the chance to laugh and sing and learn about Your incredible love with these awesome friends!!

Ben and I have been really blessed this semester to get to know the teenagers in our settlement better through the Small Group (Campaigners) that we have at our house every Thursday. The girls and I had started with this last semester but it is so cool to have Ben and the guys with us as well. It is crazy the stuff we have been allowed to see as our friends give us pictures into their world. I won't share more but will simply ask that as you see this you take a moment to pray for these friends that have captured our hearts so fully!!
I have to share these pictures with you as well. We were a part of the Ride for Hope on island the last weekend in October, which is a 100-mile bike ride on Eleuthera to raise money for cancer! Our sweet friends have been praying for and fighting along side of my Aunt Brucie back in the states who is fighting the battle against cancer right now. The day of the race while we were volunteering the took pictures holding a sign that said "4 Brucie". Please join my family and our friends all over the world as we pray for my incredible Aunt and all those that we love who have been impacted by this disease!

Thank you, each of you, for your prayers and support of Young Life on Eleuthera!! The Lord is doing amazing things here and because of you we get the chance to be a part of them!!

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